Abstract: The preparation of experts capable of adapting to a society with changing socio-economic conditions is one of the most important issues relating to the education of students in higher education institutions. The problem of modern pedagogy is the lack of interest in students to learn and acquire knowledge.
After entering university they wish to ascertain what is perceived necessary for their future life or to learn enough to meet their own needs, but over time for some of them the motivation disappears, while for others, for various reasons, the motivation decreases with time. Therefore, the problem of student motivation for learning becomes relevant in the modern university.
In this connection, it is necessary to find mechanisms for the formation of students’ motivation so that they would be able to purposefully influence it, in which teachers will be able to effectively manage the learning process, increasing the interest of students to study subjects in their chosen profession.
By using pedagogical and psychological mechanisms for motivation, university lecturers will be able to improve the quality of the educational process and its outcomes. Under a harmonized system of teacher-student relationships, scholars will consciously address their needs and make plans for the future based on real motives.
In the field of technology and entrepreneurship, the training purposes are related primarily to the professional development of students, the formation of qualities, skills and knowledge that will help them find their place in a fast-growing, highly competitive world of new technologies, opportunities and challenges.
One of the most important tasks of higher vocational education is the training of future teachers in technology and entrepreneurship, capable of innovative activities. At the current stage of development of the system of higher education it is believed that it is important for the graduates to be carriers of technology culture and modern innovative technologies in order to achieve projected objectives. The process of modernization of vocational education determines the need for qualitative changes in the system of professional training of graduates from university.
Keywords: motivation, education, students, innovative approaches.
Petkova, Evd., Pavlova, V. (2017). Innovative technologies in educating students as a motivational mechanism, pp.469-483, http://disconference.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DisCo-2017-Open-education-as-a-way-to-a-knowledge-society_-12th-conference-reader.pdf, ISBN 978-80-86-302-82-9